
can not answer (1) delicous (1) food (1) hate (1) hater (1) i dont know (1) karoling puto (1) love (1) meat (1) new (1) noche buena (1) oyster sauce (1) pasko (1) pilipino (1) pork (1) poser (1) RANDOM (1) tradisyon (1) yum (1)

Monday, December 17, 2012

I Don't Know Why

                    I DONT KNOW WHY

         I hate posers

        I love ice cream

        I can not speak when my tongue is out
        I love controling my dreams

        I am Tired solving long mathemtical problems

       I love wattpad

      I hate the one who hates anime

      I want to have high grades but lazy at school

       I cant answer this question:    If i am a person who hates haters, does it mean that i am a hater? So if I am a hater, does it mean that i hate myself?


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